Chi di voi conosce gli Over the rhine? E’ un duo del Ohio, non molto noto qui da noi. Marito e moglie, lei è Karin Bergquist, origini danesi, una voce meravigliosa, intima e forte, un po’ jazz e un po’ lirica, lui Linford Detweiler, ottimo pianista e polistrumentista. Insieme sono capaci di grandi cose. E’ possibile ascoltare Give me strength (un pezzo scritto dall’inglese Dido e dei suoi autori Pascal Gabriel e Paul Statham), una delle loro non rare perle musicali, in due versioni completamente diverse tra loro, una piuttosto veloce e ritmata (del 2001, da Films for radio), l’altra dolce e acustica (del 2002, da The cutting room floor). Entrambe sono bellissime. Appena ascoltati diventeranno due ottimi amici per voi, da portare sempre dietro, in cd, mp3 o anche solo nella testa e nel cuore.
(Massimo Quattrucci) 

(D.Armstrong, P.Gabriel e P.Staham)  
Sitting in the rain alone
Looking at a place that’s gone
Boarded up my memories
But something’s drawn me here again and I
I cannot leave the past alone
Hoped that I would never find
All the shit I left behind
Now I find the child in me
Is going to remind me that I
I can’t forget my past for long
So take a look outside yourself
And tell me what you see
I can’t believe
That you won’t see the change in me
Give me strength to find the road that’s lost in me
Give me time to heal and build myself a dream
Give me eyes to see the world surrounding me
Give me strength to be only me
I don’t want to hear the things
You say you know all you’ve redeemed
Cause I can’t change what’s come before
Build myself some better dreams
And cast off the fear that holds me here
So take a look outside yourself
And tell me what you see
Cause I can’t believe
That you won’t see the change in me
Give me strength to find the road that’s lost in me
Give me time to heal and build myself a dream
Give me eyes to see the world surrounding me
Give me strength to be only me

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